City Machine Technologies, Inc. brings its own unique line of newly designed scrap handling magnets to market. Our design supplies the customer with a larger pole shoe that should last longer, a heavy-duty terminal box to withstand severe punishment and better protects the lead connections and an overall case design, which should be reusable instead of having to be replaced. Also, the bottom plate is easily removable (not integrated into the case assembly) and offers the potential of being straightened and reused, if it is deformed. This can be done without machining it out of a case assembly and rewelding the assembly back together before final assembly of the entire magnet. The removal of the plate from the case assembly often renders the case uneconomical to repair, which in turn, leads to increased repair costs or scrapping out of the magnet.
City Machine Technologies, Inc. currently manufactures and sells 47”, 57” and 67” DASH (deep aluminum scrap handler) lift magnets.
CMT also manufactures and sells a 58” DCBH (deep copper ball handler). This lift magnet is copper wound. It exhibits more lift and runs cooler than similar units on the market. A cooler running lift magnet retains more lift than a hotter magnet, so more material will be processed in comparable time frames. Cooler also means the insulation system inside the magnet is less stressed and will last longer.