Save money and increase the life of an industrial lifting magnet

In our last blog, we talked about how doing predictive maintenance can save you significant amounts of money in the long run. Today would be a good day to start another new year’s resolution:

Take a few simple steps to extend the life of an industrial lifting magnet.

  • By keeping your magnet operating properly, you will avoid costly repairs, which will save you money.
  • An industrial lifting magnet’s biggest enemy is moisture. Store the magnet off of the ground. This will prevent it from absorbing ground moisture. Just put your magnet on some 2x4s to keep the air flowing. Industrial lifting magnets that are stored outdoors should, again, be stored off the ground and covered loosely with a tarp.
  • Conduct routine inspections on your industrial lifting magnet. If the magnet is used continuously, do monthly inspections. Industrial lifting magnets used only occasionally should be inspected quarterly. What should you be looking for? Cracks in any of the major components or any welds. Check the top, side and bottom of the magnet. Check for anything that is loose. Check for excessive wear and dents. The bottom (and sometimes the sides) of an industrial lifting magnet are where most wear and dents occur naturally.
  • Keep records of your magnet inspections. Periodically review them to see if any corrective action is needed.
  • When inspecting your industrial lifting magnet, don’t forget to test the magnet. A simple coil resistance and insulation resistance reading is a good indicator of the magnet’s coil condition.
  • Industrial lifting magnets look like large, heavy, indestructible pieces of steel and iron, but they are electrical appliances and should be treated as such. Contact CMT with any questions concerning the maintenance and operation of your industrial lifting magnet.
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