Celebrate trade jobs with National Skilled Trades Day!

Throughout the United States, many businesses are facing a huge dilemma – there are more skilled trades job openings than there are people to fill them. According to Forbes, over 53% of workers employed in a skilled trade are nearing retirement age. Compare that to the fact that only 1 in 5 students graduating from high school have shown an interest in trade jobs, and you can see why employers are having trouble finding workers. CMT wants to change that.
City Machine Technologies, Inc. is currently facing a labor shortage; mechanically inclined workers are becoming harder and harder to find. But we’re not alone – 62% of employers representing the trade industry have reported struggling to find individuals to fill important skilled trade positions. This has raised many concerns about the future employment levels of the trades as a whole. In an effort to celebrate and shed a positive light on skilled trades jobs, CMT established National Skilled Trades Day!
National Skilled Trades Day aims to raise awareness about the benefit of skilled trades jobs in the United States. Over the last 30 years or so, parents have encouraged children to attend colleges or universities after graduating from high school, neglecting to embrace the value found in skilled trades. When these students graduate from college, they are often faced with crippling debt and a job market that simply isn’t hiring. On the other hand, trades jobs often only require a certificate for employment, meaning that those looking to go into trade jobs will face little to no debt when they enter the workforce, and they can enter the workforce much sooner than their college student counterparts. Skilled trade jobs often offer excellent pay as a means to meet the demand for these jobs, as well as benefits and healthcare.
National Skilled Trades Day was established to encourage students and others looking for jobs to enter skilled trades jobs. The Registrar at National Day Calendar proclaimed that National Skilled Trades Day will be observed on the first Wednesday in May annually. The inaugural event was held on May 7, 2019. We’ll be celebrating next on May 7, 2025. Be sure to take this opportunity to celebrate those in the skilled trades – it’s a true labor of love.
Check out these ideas to celebrate the importance of skilled trades on National Skilled Trades Day.
For Schools:
- Coloring Books & Worksheets for Students:
- New in 2024: Download Career Soup activity page
- New in 2023: Download a copy of the Playdough Tools template.
- New in 2023: Download a copy of the My Future Career worksheet.
- Download a copy of “Machining is a Great Career” Skilled Trades Coloring Book.
- Download a copy of My First Resume Worksheet.
- Download a copy of “Gear up!” Skilled Trades Coloring Book.
- Download a copy of “Everyday Heroes In Our Lives” Skilled Trades Coloring Book.
- Download a Reading List.

- Get the word out about the need for skilled trades workers and the benefits of learning a trade. Skilled trades are the college alternative.
- Encourage community support for students and parents who are considering going into skilled trades fields. Let them know the value of the benefits and instill a sense of pride for those who chose to lead lives in a skilled trades field. It’s a noble career path with benefits equal to a traditional four-year degree.
- Career and technical centers can host open houses and/or career and job fairs.
- Introduce the trades early. Elementary schools can have a “Dress Up as Your Favorite Skilled Trades Worker” Day.
- Find room in the school budget for shop class.
- Schedule a field trip to a construction site or small business.
- Create classroom projects geared toward skilled trades.

For Businesses in Skilled Trades:
- Get the word out about the need for skilled trades workers and the benefits of learning a trade. Contact local radio and television stations and newspapers. The community needs to hear you are looking for skilled trades workers.
- Host an open house at your place of employment.
- Have breakfast or lunch catered for your employees (CMT will be catering a lunch for each shift!)
- Highlight your employees on social media: Why did they pick a career in the skilled trades? What life lessons have they learned in their years working in skilled trades?
- Work with your Chamber of Commerce and/or other businesses in the area to create a “Hot Jobs List.” What skilled trades careers are in high demand? Get that “Hot Jobs List” out to the community and to the schools to promote.
For those in the Skilled Trades:
- Share your trade with someone you know.
- Post about the day on social media.
- Volunteer to speak at a career fair.
For Communities:
- If you see someone in a uniform, be sure to thank them.
- If you own a store or restaurant, consider giving a discount to those who visit in uniform on National Skilled Trades Day.
- Teach your children and grandchildren that skilled trades are the college alternative. Not everyone needs to go to college. Many technical schools provide the science, math and technology training required for any skills required.
- Work with your local Chamber of Commerce, career and technical centers, trade schools and local businesses and showcase skilled trades jobs in a “Skilled Trades Expo.” Invite schools and businesses to showcase the skills needed for a good career. Have different time frames for grade school, middle school and high school students. Have the students participate in an activity at each station.
Use #NationalSkilledTradesDay to share your experience in your trade, or follow the day on social media at with us on Facebook or Twitter.